Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Gail writes.....
Tomorrow we find out the results of the surgery at least that is what they are telling us.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Message from Gail
The last couple of days has taken a toll on Lisa from high fever to having tubes fall out & put back in to struggling to breath . But things are starting to look better for her. Yesterday Lisa starting running a high fever ( but broke finally ) the Doc's ran a bunch of tests and as of yet the ones that are coming back are looking normal but will find out tonight around 7 pm the (big one ) if she has an infection in her port. We are praying alot ! All of Lisa's veins in her arms and hands have collasped ( thanks to chemo ) and she has no more to give, even the ones in her legs and feet are shot the port is all that is left.
Tomorrow ( monday ) will be a HUGE day, the Doc's will run a test on her lung. If it does not collaspe then they will take out all 3 tubes . Remember she is 14 and is scared of this test along will Grandma and I and Gordon so please pray that we will be
ready and nothing will go wrong.
Friday, July 24, 2009
doing good!
We sent Lisa pictures of her cat and dog on her cell phone because she misses them as much as they miss her! We hope you get to come home soon!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Our prayers are with you Lisa.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Pray during Lisa's lung surgery!
This is a big surgery for Lisa, please pray for the doctors doing the surgery as well as Lisa and her family. They have been told that there is more than 10 spots in her lungs now and that they seem to be growing, but they have also been told other things by other doctors. It is not always easy to understand everything that you are being told, anyway, in stressful times like these, but the differing opinions from the doctors is making it more stressful. We understand that there is no exact answer for some of the questions they have but pray that the team of doctors will be able to give the Harders a clearer picture of things.
They think that Lisa will be at the hospital for about 2 weeks, so I sure they would love to have visitors to pass the time. I will try to make a post when they are ready for visitors.
We will all be praying for you Lisa!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
surgery news
This will give Lisa a chunk of time to be off chemo and build some strength for her surgery, but it also prolongs the whole process. The light at the end of the tunnel, as far a chemo goes, just keeps getting farther away.
They will be operating on only one of Lisa's lungs on the 23rd. They will go in from her side and take out all the cancer spots in that lung. The spots will then be tested. They are so praying that they are all dead. The results of that test will determine their next step.
Pray for strength, both physically and mentally, for all the Harders. This is overwhelming and lack of sleep is often an issue. Gail is up at the hospital every night Lisa is there and she sleeps in a window seat. Gail's mom, sister or Gordan are up there with her also. The recliner beside the bed is where the other person sleeps, so as you can imagine the days they get to be home are treasured for sleeping their own bed too.
They would love to see you all at the Volcanos game. There is also a car wash at West Coast Bank in West Salem this Sat. Come support Randy and Lisa.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A little visit with Lisa

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Prayers for Lisa
But there was a little change of plans today... They decided to go ahead with the scan of Lisa's lungs . In the past they have seen anywhere between 1 and 6 spots in her lungs. Lisa has gone through extensive chemo since they last looked at her lungs and the family is praying for a miracle and healing. They will not know the results for a day or 2, but if anything is found they will need to do surgery to remove it.
Of course Lisa and her family are anxious about the results, but they are trusting God and would appreciate your prayers.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Gail turns the big 50! (almost)
Debbie, Gails sister, is here to visit and help out where ever she is needed. Well I guess she was needed to throw a little surprise party for Gail, who will be turning 50 in a few weeks. Family and a few friends met down at Walleries on the afternoon of the 4th to try to surprise Gail with a Birthday party. Pretty sure it was not a surprise, but it still was a party!!! Gail received all the appropriate "over the hill" gifts, which she said she is eager to pass on to the next victim who turns 50. So Happy early birthday Gail.
Tomorrow Lisa will head back up to Doernbecker for 6 weeks of chemo in a row. They told her is it likely that she will have to stay up there much of they time, since there is only a few days in between sessions. If they do get to come home is will be for a short time and they will have to head right back up. So keep Lisa in your prayers, and now that is is summer they might enjoy some visitor up there! As always it is best to give a call, because they are never sure how Lisa will be doing after each dose of chemo. Stay strong Lisa, the end is in sight.