Friday, August 14, 2009

Lisa is feeling much better today. Her fever is gone and she has even cracked a smile or two. She was able to eat some Lucky Charms. Yum! Her counts were still not good enough to start chemo, but it is nice that she is just feeling better.



  1. Thank God that you are feeling better and that your fever has finally broke, that is awesome Lisa! That is such good news to hear. We're so happy that your appetite is back, as that will bring you strength once more. We love you and continue to pray for you sweetheart.

    Grandpa (George) & Family

  2. We thank the Lord too that you are feeling are a brave girl! We have you covered in prayer up North and ask Him that the rest of this journey goes by quickly...just think...soon, it will be pizza in place of Lucky Charms-YES! Hugs to you! Uncle Jim & Aunt Chris
