Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Round 2

Today one of bravest girls I know started the fight against cancer again. She is determined to live life to the fullest and that means trying to win this battle with cancer.

Lisa started chemo around 5 this afternoon. This is a very strong chemo that they hope will stunt the growth of the mandarin oranges (the size of her tumors) inside her lung. This chemo will last for 5 days. She is administered the chemo for 2 hours and then they wash it out for 4 hours. This goes on in some form for 5 days. We really hope that she will handle this first round well and be able to come home. She will have 3 weeks off and then go back to the hospital to start the process over again.

We can't deny that everyone involved is scared and we really hoped that Lisa would not have to go through this again. But if you know Lisa at all, you know that she has placed all her hope in God. She has shared her faith and journey with her peers several times this week and has touched so many lives. She is an amazing young woman and I see that in her more and more each day! We love you Lisa.


  1. Lisa, You are amazing. We are thinking of you often and praying even more. Know that there are lots of people out there praying for you this week.

    Brandon and Heather

  2. Lisa bless you I hope you rested good last night...last time the nickname "sleeping beauty" truly fit and I hope you are blessed and able to sleep thru a good share of the upcoming days!!!praying for you...we have some great flyers cassie and I got finished with for you.

  3. Hang in there girl!
    Remember I do know what you are going through, and my thoughts for you are of peace, comfort and strength. May you get through this chemo and beyond with great determination that you did the last time. Prayers and hugs to you. Have a comfortable evening....
