Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lisa had a hard night, poor girl. She has had such a problem with throwing up and feeling sick that last night they decided to start feeding her with an IV. She has lost a significant amount of weight and has gotten very weak from not being able to eat. Hopefully this will help her build up some strength and control the nausea. She also spiked a fever again last night so they are watching that very carefully. I am sure these are long and wearing days for all of them, hopefully Lisa will stabilize so that she can come home for awhile before the next chemo session.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa Lu Lu! We are praying for you so much and know that God is in complete control, what a good feeling.

    I want to come see you VERY SOON! I will be calling in the next couple days when you start feeling a little better.

    We LOVE YOU,
    Kyle & Jamie

    PS. With or without hair, you are still the CUTEST 14 yr. old I have ever seen! Those pictures are great of you and the kids!
